Sunday 17 April 2011

Let your body rest

Never ever stay awake just to get your work done. Hence, it is important to manage our time properly to avoid sleeping deprivation. Adequate sleeping is vital to everyone as we need to rest our body to allow penetration of the nutrition we’ve obtained from our meals and workout in order to obtain the result (Cogswell, 2011). Below are the explanations of how many hours of sleep we should have and the reason why we should sleep adequately.

“How many hours of sleep we should have”

It is important to have sufficient amount of sleeping hours but sleeping more doesn’t mean it is good as it is associated with health problems such as weight gain (Morgenthaler, n.d.). Different age group has different required amount of sleeping hours. Table 1 shows the recommended amount of sleeping hours according to different age group:

Age group

Amount of sleeping hours (hours)


14 – 15


12 – 14

School-age children

10 – 11


7 - 9

Table 1: Recommended amount of sleeping hours according to different age group (Morgenthaler, n.d.).

Apart from age, there are few factors that requires you to sleep more such as pregnancy, aging and lack of sleep due to sleeping disturbance (Morgenthaler, n.d.). I usually sleep longer when I am sick to boost up the recovery process. Plus, it is advisable to rest when we are sick and hence, we can’t study too as study requires our brain to work.

“Why should we sleep adequately? What is the consequences?”

We need to sleep adequately as our body need energy to work the next day and to avoid health problem (Mukerjee, 2011). When we sleep, our immune system produces proteins called cytokines (Morgenthaler, n.d.). According to Morgenthaler (n.d) in regard with cytokines, “These substances increase in the presence of an infection, inflammation and stress. Increased cytokines are necessary in fighting infection and regulating deeper sleep. In addition, other infection-fighting cells are reduced during periods of sleep deprivation”.  Hence, if we do not have sufficient amount of sleeping hours, the chances of getting sick is higher as sleeping deprivation cause hormone imbalance.

Apart from that, people who are having sleeping deprivation respond poorly as they are unable to grasp new knowledge or tasks into their brain due to lack of focus ability (Tarkan, 2011). Therefore, it is advisable to have enough sleep in order to be able to focus on the knowledge or tasks that will be given each day.

There is another thing that you should know, if you do not get enough sleep, you will gain more as sleep and weight has inverse relation (Mukerjee, 2011). Meaning to say, if you have sufficient amount of sleeping hour, the risk of your weight will gain is low. However, sleeping more than recommended sleeping hours doesn’t mean it is good as this will cause your weight to gain as well.


Cogswell, V. (2011). Why sleep matter: How to get restful sleep to reach your nutrition and

fitness goals faster. Retrieved from

Morgenthaler, T. (n.d.). Lack of sleep: Can it make you sick?. Retrieved from

Morgenthaler, T. (n.d.). How many hours of sleep are enough?. Retrieved from

Mukerjee, A. (2011, April 14). Lose sleep and you gain weight. Hindustan Times. Retrieved from

Tarkan, L. (2011, April 15). Is cutting back on sleep a form of torture? BNET. Retrieved from

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