Wednesday 11 May 2011

Healthy eating tips

Healthy eating is very important when planning to shred few pounds and stay healthy. Workout won’t be effective if diet have not been monitored carefully. Thus, balancing our calories intake with physical activities is crucial. Sometime people tend to ignore healthy eating due to busy schedule and on-the-go food such as fast food is always an option to fill up their tummy. No matter how busy you are, try to improve your food intake. You need to stay fit to be able to complete your tasks. Plus, we actually have more time than we think. Below are the healthy eating tips:

  1. Watch your portion. Do not eat more than needed. It is advisable to have reasonable portion sizes of food to stay healthy and to avoid overeating. When eating outside, be aware of the portion size because in average, the size is more than for a person in the restaurants (Guay, 2011). Thus, we are encourage to watch our food portion based on recommended daily servings. Everyone daily servings are varies by age, gender and other factor such us women who is pregnant or breast feed their child. You may refer to links provided below:
  2. Watch your calories intake. Calories needed for everyone is depending on their lifestyle or job. Some occupational such as labour require energy to perform their tasks, thus they need to slightly more than the recommended daily calories. Recommended calories intake for both men and women average age of 19 – 29 who having inactive lifestyle such as office workers are 2,440 kcal and 2,000 kcal respectively (All about calories. 2010). Excess calories that is unnecessary to our body need to burn it by being active physically such as workout (All about calories, 2010). Therefore, it is important to balance the calories intake as it should be aligned with physical activities and obesity is one of the result if failed to balance our energy in and out (Guay, 2011).
  3. Never skip your meal. People tend to skip breakfast as they are rush and does not have much time to eat. Skipping meals contributes to weigh gain as brain respond differently to food as the need has been not satisfied and may lead to binge eating (Molnar, 2011). Body muscle will burn as energy and more fats will be kept when we are hungry as our body want to keep more fat as energy (Fischer, 2011). Previously, if I skipped one of my meal, I get easily tempted to eat more than I should as I am hungry. Thus, weight get increased as a result from skipping meals and binge eating.
  4. Stay hydrated. We need to stay hydrated as we need sufficient amount of water to help burning calories process faster and efficiently (Fischer, 2011). Hence, when we are dehydrated, it will slow down the burning calories process and we can gain weight as the calories cannot be burnt efficiently.
  5. No late night snacking. Student often ‘snacking’ at late night to stay awake and focus on their study or to complete their assignment. Weight increase as a result of ‘empty calories’ food intake as the food are high in calories and no nutrient (Caiola, 2011). A study found that, body mass index increase for individual who ate dinner after 8 p.m. (Caiola, 2011). Thus, unhealthy eating habit occur from late night ‘snacking’ and sleeping deprivation.

For more tips on healthy eating, you may refer to links provided below:

10 tips to healthy eating

5 tips: Healthy meals for busy families

Healthy eating tips when you’re on the road

Healthy eating on a budget

Healthy living tips


All about calories (2010).

Caiola, S. (2011, May 12). Students’ late night eating may cause weight gain. The Daily


Fischer, K. (2011, May 13). Eating right to lose weight. Bonney Lake-SumnerPatch.

Guay, M. (2011, May 2). Local dietician explains FDA’s new dietary guidelines.

Molnar, L. (2011, May 16). Why skipping breakfast makes you fat. DailyGossip.